Autumn Update 2023

Sunday Evening Concerts

It’s hard to believe that our series of Summer Sunday Evening Concerts has come to an end.  The weather has been kind.  It was lovely to see so many of our Friends turning out week after week, whatever the weather, and to enjoy the support of visitors to the town too.  The band played a different programme of music every week and there was something for everyone – from traditional marches to pop songs, hymns to overtures and different soloists were featured every Sunday.

Sidmouth Town Band and Chris Hoban

We were privileged to be part of the Sidmouth Folk Festival held at the Manor Pavilion this year and to perform ‘1918 – The Untold Stories of the Great War’.  This is an incredibly moving and informative programme, written and arranged by the brilliant Chris Hoban, which tells the stories of those whose voices were often not heard.  Miranda Sykes, a well-known local folk musician joined us on stage to sing ‘The Lily and the Rose’ which was written for her by Chris.  Steve Knightley also took part in the concert.


This year our annual Proms concert was a sell-out and what a great evening it was.  Many of the audience commented on the varied programme and Marie Elliot’s voice was a joy to hear.  Jeremy Vine as compere tied it all together and handle the raffle prize announcements so well.  He also presented the band’s Musical Director, Adrian Harvey, with a special award to celebrate his 25th year conducting the band.

STB Academy

Last September saw the launch of our Brass Academy and we already have a group of talented youngsters enjoying their brass instruments.  Tuition is free, as is the loan of instruments.

Looking ahead

Tickets are available for the band’s annual Christmas Concerts at the Manor Pavilion.  Come and join us for an evening, or afternoon, of festive music and carols.